Soul Harmony Yoga Online Class Testimonials

Online Classes

Debs I’ve just had a lovely Saturday morning doing the first Mindful course yoga practice and found it very easy to follow especially as it follows the same format as your classes. It makes me realise how I’ve missed them. Thank you very much.

I’ve definitely made more time to do the classes. Sleeping much better. Enjoying seeing you on your travels.

It took me years to join a class and finally did and loved every single one. Your a fab teacher and so hope I will motivate myself to become engaged in online classes. I’ve made a good start in preparing an area

You are a brilliant teacher, I’m so glad I have joined the online classes.

Did first class last night. Enjoyed the class and slept very well.

Hi Debs. Just done the first mindful session and it was so lovely and relaxing and I felt a lovely connection. Thank you for setting this up.

Hi Debs I’ve just done the first Mindful Practice yoga lesson. Lovely! I hadn’t done any yoga since my one day detox day course a couple of weeks ago and this was just what I needed.

Ohh yes – not sure if I mentioned this before, but still a BIG thank you to you – I am still using the detox green smoothie recipe you gave me as part of your detox course – usually a few times a week, and I’m also using the Potassium based Soup recipe – it really is delicious – I’m making a weekly batch up at the moment & have it everyday for lunch at work. It’s filling & also helps me keep ‘alkaline’.

You have played/are playing a part in my journey to recovery and I would like to thank you again for all your help and advice. Big hugs to you.

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