Yoga Classes to Connect to Nature

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These Yoga classes to Connect to Nature contain yoga sequences that are designed to help you connect back to mother nature and your own inner nature. They are specific to Dru Yoga and provide an opportunity to tune out of the busyness of life and back into our natural and balanced selves.

The classes are:

  1. The Moon Sequence – A lovely sequence which calms the body and mind. This sequence is particularity powerful around the times of new and full moon.
  2. The Sun Salutation – This sequence is great to do at the beginning of the day to have energy and clarity throughout your day
  3. The Earth Sequence – Practice this sequence outside to become balanced and grounded.
  4. Moon Relaxation – This relaxation can be used at any time but is particularly useful on a Full moon to calm your mind and body.

Read more on The Sun Salutation Sequence in our blog. 

To access our Yoga Classes to Connect to Nature Course choose a membership using the button below.

Estimated Time: 4 Lessons

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