How to declutter your life


We are in our final few days of moving over to Australia and it’s all about letting go of our possessions.

The last films are just about to be filmed today (nothing like working until the last minute) but I really wanted to add more Yoga classes so you’ll have plenty of choice and I can spend a few weeks getting set up before adding the next films in throughout December. I’m hoping we can find some great spots in Thailand as well as our arrival in Australia.

Our shipping company arrives on Tuesday so our house is currently full of boxes and random stuff that I haven’t seen for years that has suddenly re-appeared. Imagine opening all of your household cupboards and bringing all your things out and putting them into boxes in any room you can and leaving it there!

So key challenges for me at the moment are living amongst chaos with lots of things which I can do nothing about, partly because I’m too busy and partly because it is the nature of the beast when moving. I’ve had to practice acceptance, this has been more of a mind over matter practice over anything else. I decided to accept the situation as it is and I know that it will change and when it will change (that makes a difference). I also know that it is just another layer in the process and then we will encounter the – right now what do we do with the stuff that’s left.

Here’s my process….

I’ve got 5 boxes which help me to let go of my possessions in a way that nurtures me as I go:

Box 1

Definitely being shipped- easy.

Box 2

Going in my suitcase- Australia is a bit fussy about what we can take into their country and rightly so as 80% of the flora and fauna is unique to the country and they need to protect it) so items like candles, crystals, my Sanctuary Of Healing natural fibre bag and supplements need to be declared on our arrival. Not much room for clothes but hey ho!

Box 3

Spiritual Cleanse box- This is the most important box in this process. this is the stuff that I’d love to carry around with me but do I really need it. The answer is clearly no, so, I decided to have a ceremonial fire and release this stuff and feel it as it goes. Might sound crazy but it all helps when you need to let go of your possessions. The important part is being present with the feelings as you let it go and just let them be.

Box 4

Initially I did a car boot sale- anything else that was left over I  took to a charity shop which has meaning for me. This time it was Lancashire hospice as they have done some fantastic work for my own family and friends in the past.

Box 5

Easy- Meaningless tat that means nothing to me and I’m really happy to get rid of it. Hopefully it can be recycled or straight into the bin and feel a little bit guilty about landfill!

Of course everyone has their own system. The important part is that you find something that works for you. Letting go of old energies, possessions and old ways of living and being can be a fantastic feeling. I’ve found that with a little consideration I can give meaning and be present with the letting go and this makes it all so much easier.

Of course saying goodbye to treasured family and friends is another story…….

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